When renting an apartment, whether you are renting your first of your fifth apartment, it’s important to take advantage of your walkthrough. Before you start packing up and planning your move-in date, have a good look at the apartment and make sure it not only has the amenities and space you need, but also that it’s clean and safe.

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Here’s what to look for:


  • Fire equipment – Are there fire alarms and extinguishers in the apartment? Even if you’ve never had a house fire, it’s always better to have the safety measures in place, rather than wish you did when a fire does occur.


  • Windows and doors – Start by checking the locks on the windows and doors. Do they open and close properly? Are they secure or are they easy to open? Make sure the doors open all the way and do not squeak.


  • Check the water – Make sure all of the toilets flush properly and run the water in all the sinks, tubs, and showers. Does the water drain correctly or is there a clog or blockage? Make sure there are no leaks in the plumbing underneath the sinks and then turn off the water and make sure there are no drips.


  • Appliances – Make sure all of the appliances are working. While you might be able to get replacements after you move in if something is not working, this is often a hassle. You can prevent the need for this after you’ve moved in by checking the appliances before you move in.


  • Lights – Make sure all of the lights turn on and off and that they are bright enough.


  • Floors and walls – Make note of any damage, scuffs, or scrapes on the walls and floors of the apartment. While these might not seem like a big deal now, you might get charged for those issues when you move out if they are not pointed out to your landlord now.
Calli Ramsey
  • calli@aginto.com
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Calli Ramsey
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  • calli@aginto.com
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