Shelli: Hi, I’m Shelli from Anderson & Associates and I’m with Amanda Webb from Bank of England. And she is going to tell us some things that make her company a little bit different from all the other mortgage companies out there.

Amanda Webb: Sure. Thanks for having me, Shelli. Bank of England Mortgage is a local-operated company here in Sarasota. We do service all 50 states. We are a mortgage company that owns a bank that’s located in England, Arkansas. So don’t let the name throw you off too much.

We are – we have a local operation here. Everything is done in-house. We are processing. We have our own underwriter. We have our own closer. And that really just makes the process go so much more smoothly and efficiently.

Shelli: Yes. And I totally understand that, even in our business like having an underwriter right there makes all the difference.

Amanda Webb: It does. It really does. And our clients seem to like it and our business partners are excited about it.

Shelli: Great. So once we start the process, what would be an average close time for you?

Amanda Webb: Typically, our contracts get closed in less than 30 days. It seems the norm is around 21 days lately. Some are sooner if they are rushed, which I’m kind of the queen of rushes so …


Shelli: Congratulations on that. That’s something to be proud of.

Amanda Webb: Yeah, absolutely.

Shelli: Not many people can close that.

Amanda Webb: Having great business partners that work with you really help our job be a little easier so thank you.

Shelli: Thank you.

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