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Firefighters and first-responders prepare for their day in the same way that we do. Yet, there’s a distinct difference — a boldness that doesn’t go unnoticed by those around them.

It’s no small task to don a heavy uniform and run toward an inferno that everyone else is running away from. Yet dangerous circumstances and unpredictable surroundings are a reality they face every day they go on shift.

We are grateful for those who have answered this calling because they put our lives and the lives of those we love ahead of their own. Never a 9 to 5 and always on call, they live with the understanding that they will miss out on family moments and milestones to perform their duty.

For their courage and commitment, their service and the sacrifices they make, all firefighters and first-responders across Florida are heroes in my eyes.

On behalf of our company, and indeed the entire City, we would like to say to the firefighters thank you for the job you do every day. We know that you are taking risks every day to protect us.  Finally, we would like to thank the families of firefighters who also face the possibility of the loss of a loved one.

If you are interested in learning more about becoming a firefighter, you can check out the MTC Program, here.

I hope that as you see firefighters in your communities you’ll make it known to them how much you appreciate their service, their sacrifices, and their commitment to making Florida a safer place for all of us.

Andrea King
  • andrea@aginto.com
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Andrea King
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  • andrea@aginto.com
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