Hi. I’m Shannon. I’m with Anderson & Associates. I’m going to talk to you today about the difference between comprehensive and collision on your auto policy.

Comprehensive is sometimes called “comp” or “other than collision” and what is, is it’s physical damage on your auto that’s a result of say a fire, hurricane, falling objects, a rock hit your windshield, you hit an animal. All that is going to fall under your comprehensive deductible and it is a lot less expensive than your collision.

Collision rates are a little higher. That’s when you’re actually involved in an at-fault or not-at-fault accident and your vehicle hits another vehicle. So that type of claim is going to fall under your collision deductible.

We also offer a program. We have a lot of clients that go up north for an extended period of time. So we offer what we like to call a “Garage Program” where we actually reduce the amount of liability on your policy while you’re not driving it. We also remove collision. However we do keep the comprehensive on there because in the event that your home has a fire or wind or hail damage, the comprehensive would cover that damage.

Your homeowner’s does not cover damage to your auto or if it’s stolen out of your garage, you will always need to keep comprehensive on there and it’s pretty cheap.


Anderson & Associates has been serving Manatee County residents with property insurance coverage since 1985. We offer homeowners (including mobile homes), car insurance, life, health, umbrella insurance policies. We’re a family-owned and operated insurance agency, and we treat you like family.
Follow Us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/andersoninsfl
Find Us: https://andersoninsgroup.com

Anderson & Associates Insurance Agency
810 8th Avenue West
Palmetto, Florida 34221
Phone: (941) 729-7494

Andrea King
  • andrea@aginto.com
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Andrea King
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  • andrea@aginto.com
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