Taking the time to inspect your boat before your take it out is one of the best ways to prevent major issues when you are away from shore. Before you take your boat out on the water, here are a few things you will want to inspect:

  1. Engine oil – Just like checking the oil in your car’s engine, the oil in your boat’s engine should be regularly checked, and for the exact same reason, to make sure that it still has enough, and that the oil has not been contaminated.
  1. manOnBoatDrive oil – This is one of the easier aspects of your boat to check, as on most boats, the drive oil reservoir is made of plastic. Start by making sure your drive oil is at the appropriate level, and then make sure that no moisture has accumulated inside the container.
  1. The exterior – Do a quick walk around your boat before putting her in the water. This is an opportunity to look for signs of stress or even cracking.
  1. The hatches – Especially if your boat has been sitting for a while since the last time it was taken out, make sure to open up the hatches and make sure that you cannot smell gas or see water. This might not be something you feel like you have to do every time you sail, but it should be occasionally done.
  1. Fuel levels – You might be surprised at how often people cast off without checking their fuel levels. Make sure you have plenty for the day and maybe even a little bit of backup, just in case you decide to stay out longer than you or your family originally planned.
Andrea King
  • andrea@aginto.com
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Andrea King
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  • andrea@aginto.com
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