As a teenager with a driver’s permit, I asked my mother if I could drive around our block. After successfully navigating the streets around my home with no problem, I declared I was a “great driver.”  To which my mother replied, “Steering well is not driving.”

If you have only been driving a short amount of time, there are some real-life lessons that the driving school may not have taught you.

After all, driving in controlled circumstances does not prepare you for the sometimes unpredictable drivers which you will encounter, as well as the diverse conditions which may occur.

Here are some expert driving tips which will help you to not only steer well but to be an excellent and safe driver.

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Driving Tips for New Drivers

Other Drivers May See What You Cannot: Keep your eyes on the vehicles driving in front of you for cues as to the conditions ahead. For instance, if you are in traffic and can see the vehicles in your lane merging to the left, it is likely that an accident or roadblock is causing their shift. Begin to proactively look for ways to merge left as well.  Also, if a car driving ahead of you in an adjacent lane hits their brakes, apply your brakes as well. They may see something you cannot, such as an animal in the road, debris on the highway, or a pedestrian beginning to cross.

Adjust Your Mirrors for Maximum Visibility: Your side and rearview mirrors are designed to provide maximum visibility coverage around and behind your car. However, if your mirrors are not positioned correctly, you may have unnecessary blind spots which could prove dangerous.

Before you drive, adjust your mirrors. You should not be able to see your own car in the side mirrors. Test out positioning by driving slowly in reverse past a parked car. Once it is no longer in your mirror, you should be able to see it in your peripheral vision.

Remember to re-adjust mirrors after someone else drives your car, or if you drive a car which is not yours.

Be Wary of Puddles and Standing Water: There are many reasons to approach water on the roadway cautiously. Speeding over water too quickly may cause you to hydroplane and lose control of the car; even in shallow puddles. But your brakes may also get wet, as can your ignition system, which could cause your engine to stall. When going through water, do not apply brakes, and keep your speed constant. Once clear of the water, pump the brakes a few times. The friction will cause heat which will dry off your brake pads.

Stop the Glare: Even the most experienced drivers sometimes don’t realize that their rearview mirror has two settings. At night, the headlights from the car behind you can be blinding (especially if you are in a sedan and there is an SUV or truck behind you.). Simply switch the lever on your rearview mirror to change the setting, and the glare will be significantly reduced.

Be Safe Even When Stopped: Many people think that it is safe to check their phone or send a text when stopped at a stoplight. But this is not true. You should remain continually alert as long as your car is in drive and you are in active traffic. Watch your rearview mirror to make sure that no one is approaching too quickly, and keep an eye on pedestrians or bike riders which may be crossing the street. Once the light changes, glance around the intersection to make sure all other traffic has indeed stopped before proceeding.

Understand Your Auto Insurance Options: Under Florida law, you are required to obtain a minimum amount of auto insurance. It is important to understand exactly what these coverages represent, as well as if you should have more coverage for your situation. Contact us! We are here to help.

Driving a car has become so common in our society that it is easy to get complacent. New drivers should always remember that “steering well is not driving” and be open to learning new tips that can keep them safe. By remaining vigilant, learning about the nuances of safe driving and taking cues from the other drivers on the road, all drivers can enjoy the freedom and convenience which driving offers.

If you have a Sarasota or Bradenton new driver in your household – or if you simply wish to discuss the possibility of a lower car insurance rate – give the experts at Anderson & Associates Insurance Group a call today.

Calli Ramsey
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Calli Ramsey
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