Being in a car accident can be a stressful and traumatic situation. Knowing what to do if you are ever in a car accident, however, is a great way to help ease your anxiety and to make sure that you handle the situation properly. Here are a few tips for what you should do if you are in a car accident:

  1. Don’t leave the scene of the accident. Even if you only tap someone else’s bumper (or they tap yours), and there is no damage to either car and no one is harmed, it is important that you do not leave the scene until you and the other driver or drivers have discussed the situation and exchanged insurance information. In the event of a more severe accident, where people are injured or cars are damaged, it is extremely important to stay at the scene until the police arrive.


  1. Keep yourself safe. If possible, pull off to the side of the road. Whether or not it is possible or prudent to move the vehicles, turn on your flashers and set out flares, especially if it is dark. Keep the lights of your car on so other vehicles can see the cars stopped in the road and can avoid the accident.
  1. Call the police. Even if no one is hurt, it is still important to call the police. Many insurance companies require a police report to be filed along with the claim, and having the circumstances on record (especially if the accident is not your fault), is vitally important to protecting yourself.
  1. Take pictures of the scene and the vehicles. Before anyone leaves the scene or it has a chance to be disturbed, make sure that you take pictures of your vehicle, the other driver’s vehicle, any glass or debris in the road, and any visible injuries you might have. These will be important for both your claim and for any court cases that might be a result of this accident.
  1. Report the accident. Make sure your car insurance company knows about the accident. The sooner your report the accident, the better your chances are of being able to get a payout for the damage to your vehicle or to cover the costs of an injury.
Andrea King
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Andrea King
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