Each year, 100,00 sleep deprived Americans are involved in accidents. Drowsy driving is one of the most dangerous driving activities that you can participate in. Aside from the risk of injury or worse, drowsy driving and accidents cause your affordable auto insurance rates to skyrocket.


If you are starting to feel your eyelids grow heavy and your head nod, here are some tips to make sure that you keep those eyes open and the yawns at bay.

1. Get to sleep.

If you are planning a long car trip, make sure that you get plenty of sleep before embarking. Don’t skimp on sleep sampling because you think you’re just going to be sitting down all day. The truth is that driving is tiring and if you don’t get proper rest beforehand, you can be endangering yourself and other drivers.

2. Do not take any medications that cause drowsiness.

If you usually take an allergy pill or other medication that causes drowsiness, the best thing to do is to not take it before a long drive. This can protect you from getting sleepy while on the road.

3. Bring along a copilot.

Not only will you have someone with you who can take over if you are just too tired to keep going, you’ll also have someone to talk to you, which can help keep you awake while driving. Plus, you’ll have someone there to take care of the music and adjust the air conditioning or heating so you can keep your eyes on the road.

4. Avoid heavy meals.

If you are driving all day, it might be a good idea to skip the hamburger and fries for lunch. After eating a lot of calories in the form of a fat or sugar-heavy meal, your body will automatically want to go to sleep. Just think about when you finish that last drumstick on Thanksgiving – Sleep is the first thing on your mind.

5. Take a break.

While you don’t have to actually plan an activity every few hundred miles, you should take the time to pull over, walk around your car, and then get back in and get back underway every few hundred miles. Especially while gassing up, make sure to walk around your car or even jog around the gas station before getting back in and driving again.

6. Don’t drive at night.

If at all possible, avoid driving during the night. The darkness will naturally make your body tired. Drive during the morning and in the daylight as often as you can. Plan your trip so you are pulling into your hotel by sundown.

Stay safe out there!

Andrea King
  • andrea@aginto.com
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Andrea King
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  • andrea@aginto.com
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