We’ve all been there: sitting on the highway, behind a severe accident or in rush hour traffic, and realized that we do not have anything to eat or drink in our vehicle. In very serious situations, you could be sitting in traffic or on the side of the road for hours. An emergency car kit ensures that you have the tools you need to prevent an already serious situation from becoming a dangerous one. Here are the ten essential items every kit should have:

1. Jumper cables

When your car won’t start, the most common reason is a dead battery. If you have jumper cables, this problem is extremely easy to fix.

2. A first aid kit

You never know when you might need a painkiller or a bandage. A first aid kit that has some antibiotic ointment, bandages, gauze, tape, and antiseptic wipes can be a huge help in a range of different situations.

3. Kitty litter or a bag of sand

Not only will a bag of kitty litter or sand weigh down your trunk, giving you a little extra traction, you can also spread a little under your tires to get yourself out of a slipper spot.

4. Reflective warning triangles

If you have to change a tire in the dead of night, you are going to want to be able to warn other drivers about your movements on the side of the road, long before they are right up on you.

5. A rope for towing other cars

You never know when this rope might come in handy. Not only can you use it get your car out of a tight spot, you can use it to help other drivers.

6. Water and snacks

Both should be as impervious to spoiling as possible.

7. Blanket

When you are sitting in traffic in the winter, a blanket can be a good alternative to burning through you gas by running the heater at full blast.

8. A pocket knife

It has a range of different purposes and is easy to stow!

9. Pepper spray

Pepper spray can keep you safe not just from other people, but from animals like cougars and bears, too.

10. Duct tape

We all know that duct tape is great for a quick fix of just about anything!

Andrea King
  • andrea@aginto.com
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Andrea King
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  • andrea@aginto.com
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