People are often advised to buy auto insurance directly from the insurance company and side-step the local agent. Is there really any substance to this advice? Buying auto insurance directly may actually not be a good idea in many cases. Here are four reasons to consider buying an auto insurance from a local agent.


You get to work with a local

When you buy your auto insurance from a local agency, you are working with someone who knows the local conditions. The agent would have also covered other people where you stay. So he is aware of the most common claims in the area and he can advise you accordingly. The agent might even inform you about special terms or other discounts offered only to the citizens of the area.

Online insurance can leave you under-insured

Your auto insurance should prepare you for life’s many uncertainties. You won’t really know what you’ve bought, unless you file a claim. There is no saying when this might happen, if it might happen at all. Your local agent can help you understand what covers the policy provides, what deductibles you have to pay and how much coverage you need for your situation. When you buy directly from the insurance company or online, you won’t get these facilities to a satisfactorily level. The danger is you will be left uninsured.

The local agent is your own personal consultant on insurance matters

A local insurance agent can be your personal insurance consultant. Once you speak to the agent, she will decide which policy is best for your needs. Working with a local agent also means you are speaking to an actual person and not an automated system. The agent will make you feel like a human and not just another policy number.

No guarantee that the online price is the best

There is no guarantee that the online quote is the best one you could have got. What if you don’t need some of the coverage types that the online quote returned? You will know only what coverage you need and what you don’t, if you speak to a local agent. In many cases, local agents have returned better terms than online quotes.

Finally, when you buy your auto insurance policy from a local agent, you are investing in the local economy. To get an auto insurance quote in Palmetto, Florida, please contact us. Rest assured that we can help you.

Andrea King
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Andrea King
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