Here are some of the most common questions we receive about auto insurance:

How much insurance do I need?

Most states will give you a minimum amount of insurance that you have to provide. Often, you will need to have insurance in order to renew your driver’s license. Sometimes called minimum liability insurance, this minimum level of insurance is not always enough to cover all of the repairs and damages that might occur during an accident, leaving the driver to pay some of the expense himself. It is important to consider, when deciding how much insurance you need, how valuable your car is, how often you drive, what kind of car you drive, and how often you drive with other people.


How do I know if I am getting a fair deal?

Contrary to popular belief, insurance companies are not out to scam you. They are out to provide you with the very best coverage, which allows you to be as safe as possible while driving. Comparing auto insurance quotes from different providers might be confusing, which is why working with an insurance agent is a great way to make sure you are getting the coverage that you need, when you need it. Many insurance companies will actually automatically compare their rates to similar plans from other providers.

How do insurance companies know how risky of a driver I am?

This is largely determined by looking at your credit report (which is usually a good indicator of how responsible you are), and your past driving record. This is why getting into an accident or accruing lots of parking or speeding tickets can cause your insurance rates to spike: these things make you look like a riskier person, and therefore a riskier investment for the insurance company. The more likely they are to have to pay out for an accident or repair, the more you are probably going to have to pay.

How do I find the best insurance for me?

One of the best ways to make sure that you are getting a policy that meets your needs is to work with a car insurance agent. Our agents will be able to look at lots of different policies to find the one that meets the needs of your driving habits, car, and budget.

Andrea King
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Andrea King
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